It's that time of year again, where everyone is happy but a little nervous at the same time. Finding great gifts for multiple people at the same time can be a little nerve racking. I love doing it when I get a great idea, but when I don't... yikes. I feel like the green and eco movement has been gaining so much traction and been talked about in the media a lot lately. Some of my friends that never expressed interest in being eco friendly before are starting to change their ways and that's so inspiring.
This week's blog post is a little different though. In your life, you might have a friend that is very much committed to not over-consuming, or not using fast fashion or being completely plastic free. And maybe you have no idea what to give to them, according to their values. That's why I'm here! This is also about a conversation I've seen come up in the green community : How should I react when someone gives me something that's against my values? I'd say share this blog post with them first, and then you'll be sorted!
Oh and btw, this isn't a "TOP 6" or anything, there is no special order.
A great place to start is to go the easy route : give something non materialistic! This obviously depends on your budget, but you can give them a voucher for a good restaurant, a spa treatment or a voucher to go scuba diving (humhum, 100% sharing this with the people in my life!). If you have a bit more budget, maybe splurge on a weekend away or a day spent together? Another alternative is that if you know they are currently saving for a trip, maybe you can contribute to that. There are so many options that aren't materialistic out there.

I'm a huge fan of shopping local as a first step towards going eco friendly. Supporting small independent businesses instead of big corporations is definitely a great way to make your loved one's Christmas. And usually around Christmas, there are so many events showcasing local design! I know in Dublin I'll be going to the Gifted Craft & Design Fair & the Dublin Christmas Flea Market. In Montreal there is the Salon des Métiers d'Art which I love to attend every year with my mom. Locally made items are also often great quality and lot more unique. I have a few Montreal-made items in my home here in Dublin and I definitely feel it brings a little flair of home!
Last year I got my mom this Irish made blanket, similar to my absolute favourite one.

We all have a few of these in mind. Something you wouldn't necessarily buy for yourself but would be so happy to receive as a gift! In my case right now it would be things like a jade roller, or a very good face mask I normally wouldn't splurge on. I classify these items as little luxuries. They're not very expensive themselves but if you were to add them together you budget would be gone. That's exactly what I love to receive. For someone else this might look like a new kitchen tool, or a new shirt. This works better if you know the person very well, but it's always something that makes people happy.
When I go home for Christmas, I might finally take the plunger and get this one, from a local Montreal company.

Quality is always a good bet when it comes to shopping more responsibly. Ditch the cheaply made items, buy fewer things and make sure they last. Keeping that spirit in mind, gifting something that will last a lifetime is, in my opinion, and eco friendly gift. It's a surprise to no one in my life that I love jewelry. When I shop for jewelry, I always try to go for recycled materials, then something made locally or at a smaller scale. That being said if I see something made by a bigger company, but great quality that I know will last me forever, I would get it. It doesn't matter what it is, if you gift quality over quantity it will certainly be worth it and make them happy.
I always wear this necklace from an Irish designer, would totally recommend her pieces!

Last year I told everyone in my family that I wanted "Eco friendly things". Not very specific I know, but I wanted to be surprised by what they'd find! My mom went to a local "green" shop we both never knew existed and she picked up a few things she thought looked funky or interesting. Well that's how I ended up with my soap pouch, and it has changed my soap game! There are so many green products out there it's hard to know the possibilities. So try and find a local green shop and maybe go explore a little. See what seems interesting to try and you might discover something that will make their everyday life easier!
I don't know exactly which one my mom got me, but I found this one on Etsy and it looks great!

Life doesn't always have to be so hard! If you spend a lot of time with the person you're gifting to, maybe they've been telling you about something they wanted for a while now! Something they want but never actually end up buying. You can even ask them! In my family, since I was a kid we do a list of the things we want for Christmas, and it avoids gifting stuff no one actually wants. I've always been of the kind to put way too many ideas on the list, that way I was still always surprised when receiving something.

Okay, first of all this is just my opinion so take it with a grain of salt. The first items I would tell you to avoid are reusable straws, KeepCups and reusable bags. They're great items but if your person is already into the eco movement, chances are they already have these items. And no one needs 5 KeepCups. And if they don't have one, maybe they have a reason. Another thing I would try and avoid is gift cards from conventional stores. This isn't true for ALL stores obviously, but if someone gave me a Forever21 gift card, I'd have no idea what to do with it because everything they sell is pretty much against my values. The last item I'd avoid is anything cheaply made that no one actually wants. Like those secret santa gifts. Please oh please don't give any of that to someone mindful of the environment.