We all get them right? These days where nothing seems to work, everything is annoying and where the day just never seems to end. I had one of those last week, and when I finally got home I was absolutely drained. This list is for those days. Where you want to turn your brain off, and unwind. I've a few things that I do regularly to help me leave work at the office and go into "relax" mode when I walk through my door. Sometimes one thing is enough and sometimes I mix and match to get me into the sweet sweet spot of "ahhhhh finally". Ready to find out what they are? Keep reading!
I know working out doesn't necessarily screams "relaxation" but hear me out! I got into a routine of doing a quick HIIT workout when I get home from work, and despite the fact that yes, there's a bit of torture involved, IT WORKS. When I'm finished, it's like both my brain and my body at the same time just go "ahhhhhhhhhhh, now we're done". I really feel like it helps me let go of the day. Plus you know, I don't want to get all science-y, but physical activity makes us release endorphins, which are hormones that make us feel gooood.

This will be different for everyone but no matter what it is, art allows us to use a different part of our brain and that feels great! It could be painting, playing music, calligraphy or anything else really. Personally it allows me to just focus on the one task and I love to get lost in whatever I'm doing. For that time, I'm in a little bubble and all that matters is what I'm currently doing. It feels very liberating in some way. It might take a bit of time to find what suits you and find your groove, but don't give up! When something finally clicks, it'll be worth it!

The Queen of all relaxation techniques (well...for me at least!). I've been in the bath camp forever. I know showers use less water (unless you spend hours under..) but no one will ever convince me that it feels as nice as a long warm bath. So if you want to be eco friendly, I say take baths less often, but make them count! I'm also a firm believer in the fact that floating in the water physically relieves some pressure on our body. To get the ultimate bath time, I pour in some bath salts, light a candle and grab a book!

I'm not reinventing the wheel here! But you know, it's popular for a reason. I have a tendency to always have a TV show in the background when I'm doing something else, but I think taking the time to sit down and actually watch is so worth it. Getting swept up in someone else's stories and problems can put things in perspective sometimes. I recommend This Is Us if anyone is interested, bring tissues.


If you had asked me to make this list in 2017, I probably would've never thought to add this item. When I was in secondary school I did game quite a bit, going through various phases, but as time went on I kinda forgot. I usually always do 2 things at once (eg. Watching Netflix and painting my nails) but gaming requires all your attention. Which is the point here. My big sister gave me a game for Christmas and so it prompted me to bust out the 'ol 3DS. And she created a monster. I love disconnecting from everything for a little while, although it's definitely testing my patience! #isuckatgaming

Sometimes if you had a particularly shitty day, you just need to break your routine and go have a nice time with people. If it is the middle of the week and you don't want to be out late and even more tired the next day, going for a tea/coffee or dinner with friends might just be the thing. Find a cosy spot in a cafe and enjoy spending some time together. When my best friend still lived in Dublin, pretty much once a week we'd set up a dinner and just... rant. Sometimes you just need to get it out of your system and you go back home feeling super light hearted.