Hello! I'm so happy you're here!
I know it's a bit overwhelming to stumble upon a lifestyle blog with no idea what's going on and where to start, so I figured I'd help a little.
My name is Lauri, I'm an ocean-loving clumsy fashionista.
You can read my welcome blog post here if you want to learn more about the Hows and the Whys of this blog, but let me sum it up:
The Girl in The Ocean is an ocean-friendly lifestyle blog.
I want to discover everything I can about living without harming the ocean, and prove that it's possible to do it in style without giving up everything you love.

Ocean-friendly ?
For me, being ocean-friendly means using no products that are harmful to the ocean. This includes toxic chemicals, single-use plastics, microbeads, etc etc.
When doing my research I realized that there are so many things we do that have an impact. I named this the Ocean-Friendly lifestyle because I hadn't seen anything that had this kind of global focus before.
vs. Plastic-Free ?
Plastic-free means avoiding all kinds and forms of plastic. Disposable, reusable, clothes, etc. The totally plastic-free lifestyle is clearly ocean friendly as well. That being said, living life completely plastic-free is unrealistic for me, and it doesn't take into account all the other ways our lifestyle affects the ocean.
I will focus on eliminating single-use plastics from my routine first!
vs. Eco-Friendly?
I got this good question before and here's my answer: Eco-friendly is awesome, and definitely something I'm moving towards. However, for me the eco-friendly movement includes so many different variables that it gets overwhelming. It's just too much all at once. Ocean-friendly is my approach to a better lifestyle and to helping something I care about.
That's all!
vs. Zero Waste?
Zero-waste in something I did look into and will try to incorporate a little into my new lifestyle. It implies that everything you use is either reusable, recyclable or compostable. The name says it all really. Attempting to live zero waste would be biting more than I can chew for me, but I will certainly borrow techniques from them to better my ocean-friendly life!