7 Organization Skills that will Help you Save the Planet

7 Organization Skills that will Help you Save the Planet
7 Organization Skills that will Help you Save the Planet

I find it amazing that I can be so organized in some areas of my life and such a mess in others, am I the only one? Since starting my green journey though, I've noticed that some of my existing organization skills have made it a lot easier for me to remain eco-friendly! Sometimes making that little effort ahead really pays off in the long run. On top of saving the planet, these tips will also help you save time, money and hassle. What's not to love about this? Let's dive in.


For over a year now I've been on a specific meal plan and on a weight loss journey. A happy side effect of that, is that I always know in advance which recipes I'll cook during the week. I understand that this isn't available for everyone, but buying only what I KNOW I'll use has helped me reduce my food waste considerably. I don't really buy any "oh that sounds nice" items unless I plan on eating them the same day. Learning to plan meals ahead (You don't need to cook them ahead!) will save food and money. And did I mention not having the dreaded 5pm "What am I going to eat tonight?" moment?

Plan your meals - 7 Organization Skills that will Help you Save the Planet

The moments where we fail in our plastic-free resolutions are often food-related. I find going plastic free is the hardest when you find yourself having to eat out or when unplanned food stops happen. There will always be these moments, but I always try and plan ahead for what I can. Keeping a set of cutlery in your desk at work is something that comes in VERY handy. If I'm going on a nature related outing (hike, dive, etc) I know I'll probably want food when I'm done. So I either pack a lunch or at the very least some cutlery to avoid being caught off guard. Of course it's better to carry a reusable food container, bottle, cup, etc. but these can get pretty bulky. I believe the best way to approach this is to judge each time individually, and cut out the recurring ones (like workplace plastic).

Plan Ahead - 7 Organization Skills that will Help you Save the Planet

Capsule wardrobes aren't for everyone, and impulse purchases are a thing everyone knows about. A good way to take a step forward without going all in is to take notes season to season on what items you were missing. That way you'll know what you actually need when the season comes around again. Let me explain. In summer I wear a lot of clothes that go well with tan accessories, but I don't have a lot of them. This summer, I found myself wishing I had a tan leather handbag very often so I wrote it down. For the next year, I know this is an item I would actually use. Knowing in advance also give you plenty of time to look through thrift stores and find the perfect one. Keeping a list of all these "missing" items on your phone is a good way to remember to keep an eye out. And also to avoid buying a 4th cream blouse...just saying.

Know your wardrobe - 7 Organization Skills that will Help you Save the Planet

Another situation that causes a lot of impulse buying, is realizing last minute that we need an item for an upcoming event. It's in these moments where I'll usually go for a fast fashion cheap item, and will probably never use it afterwards. Again, this will always happen to some level but it's definitely possible to minimize it. I try and never leave things to the last minute. A good example for this is also Christmas. Starting to buy presents way in advance will leave you time to find great deals on ethical and quality products instead of getting a last minute item from a "random" store.

Plan Purchases Ahead - 7 Organization Skills that will Help you Save the Planet

This one depends on where you live. In my hometown, charities will go around once per month to pick up very specific items to recycle (think a dishwasher per example). It's very convenient because it saves you trips to the recycling centre. To benefit from these days though, you have to know when they are. So it's worth it to research programs in your area that will facilitate recycling and maybe composting. I'm a pretty lazy person, so it's something I definitely recommend.

Check Collection Times - 7 Organization Skills that will Help you Save the Planet

Like I just said, I'm lazy. And here in Dublin, I run my errands on foot. Therefore I usually try and combine things in the same areas to make things easier. If you do drive a car, doing the same thing and avoiding multiple trips will save you time, gas, money and carbon emissions! It does require a little more planning to create your itinerary, but once that's done you're all set. And I promise it's very satisfying.

Combine Errands - 7 Organization Skills that will Help you Save the Planet

This is one I still struggle with. Knowing what to prioritize is something that takes time, and it's crucial for reducing our consumption. Always prioritize buying items you actually need, and think hard about the ones you want. Of course you should treat yourself once in a while, but take your time to make a considerate purchase. On top of saving the planet, this will also save your bank account. If I suddenly find myself wanting to buy loads of items, I make a list and categorize into what I want and what I need. Then I see how that can work with my budget. It's simple but it works!

Need vs Want List - 7 Organization Skills that will Help you Save the Planet
7 Organization Skills that will Help you Save the Planet

So that's how I personally do it! Do you have any other organization tricks that help you stay environmentally conscious?
Let me know in the comments, I'd love to hear them! If you'd like to know more easy tricks to save the planet, I have a blog post about that too!

Until then, enjoy the last bit of summer holidays, and see you soon!

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